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Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception by Maggie Stiefvater

So it turns out I unwittingly chose the perfect book to follow Heir to SevenwatersI needed something sweet and scary, with a little humor and some faeries. I didn't really know much about Lamentso it was kind of surprising how much I was looking forward to it. But I was just getting this vibe. Like good things would be inside. And these good things seemed to carry with them a hint of Melissa Marr goodness mixed with some Holly Black awesome. I got what I was looking for and more.

Deirdre plays the harp. Her best friend James is a piper. And hilarious with it. The two of them together are exceptionally cool John Green-esque geeks. Besides James, Deirdre's got an overbearing mother, an aunt from hell, and a very weak stomach. The story opens at one of her competitions. She is lurking about the girl's bathroom about to lose her lunch, as she always does before a performance, when the mysterious Luke Dillon (who Deirdre's never met before but seems to know somehow) wanders in and proceeds to hold her hair back for her. Clearly the mysterious Luke must stick around. And stick around he does. For reasons which remain a little murky and a lot enticing, and which Deirdre is determined to find out.
Luke was at my elbow, saying, "I think I'm going to have to leave early. I think I might have to go now."
I was about to protest or beg unabashedly for his number when I realized the clapping had gone quiet. The voice crackled on the speaker. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's six o'clock, and as promised, we're going to announce the winners of the grand prize. Thank you everyone for competing and sharing your talent with us. The judges would like to congratulate the grand prize winners for this year's arts festival--Deirdre Monaghan and Luke Dilling." 
Luke whispered into my ear, close enough that his lips brushed my hair. "Tell me you want to see me again."
I smiled.
Sexy as sexy. That's Luke. Plus, he's got a deep dark secret he can't reveal. Literally can't. Very bad things happen to Luke when he tries to talk about where he came from, what brought him to Deirdre, and who's pulling his strings. So it's up to Deirdre to figure out who Luke is, why he seems to have brought a host of creatures out of myth and legend in his wake, and what her own role is to be in it all. As I used to live in Virginia, I thoroughly enjoyed the setting, particularly the descriptions of the weather and humidity. In Lament Maggie Stiefvater artfully weaves together a heady mix of music, humor, exhiliration, and desperate longing. I enjoyed this book so much it is physically painful to me that the sequel, Ballad, isn't due out till next Fall. 


  1. This sounds wonderful! Added to the shopping list!

    "And these good things seemed to carry with them a hint of Melissa Marr goodness mixed with some Holly Black awesome. "

    I think my head just exploded :p

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    I really enjoyed Holly Black, but couldn't even finish the first Melissa Marr book (I wasn't very impressed). So I'll have to check this out and see for myself!

  3. Lol. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you'll dig this one, Thea.

    Emily, this book definitely stands on its own so I'd give it a shot even if Marr wasn't your cuppa. Especially if you like Holly Black.

  4. This sounds so good! I have it on my bookshelf and am going to try to read it this weekend. :)

  5. Just got here via Maggie Stiefvater's rec of your review and I so, so agree. Also read a few more pages of your blog and really enjoy your reviews (and your lovely template! Great sense of design to this page) so I've added it to the syndicated feeds on LiveJournal where I can follow it on a regular basis: angieville.

  6. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I'm so glad you reviewed this one; for whatever reason, and despite the fact that I normally love the subject matter, I'd been wavering on reading it or not. I am so reading it now!

  7. Em, happy weekend reading!

    Chelle, I'm glad my review pushed you over. Let me know what you think.

    Thanks for adding me to the Livejournal feeds, RJ! And thank you for stopping by. I really did love LAMENT. It seems to be playing on a loop in my head.

  8. Clearly, great minds think alike. I published a review of this book yesterday, too. I'm looking forward to the sequel also.

  9. OMG...I love your blog! I love books too WISH I had as many as you..hehe!

    I actually came across you during a google search for the artist who illustrated the cover for 'Chalice'.
    I am an artist myself, & although 'they say' never judge a book by it's cover...I inevitably do. LOL

    Anyway, I shall add you to my feedreader & look forward to reading your reviews! :)

  10. Nice review, Jen. I'm glad you liked it as much as I did.

    Julia, thank you so much! I'm thrilled you enjoyed browsing around the place. Thanks for adding me to your feed.

  11. Hey Angie. I just read Lament a week or two ago and echo your sentiments. I loved it and can't wait to read more from Maggie Steifvater.

  12. Christine, wonderful! I loved the way she wove in music and the setting into the supernatural homicidal faerie tale.


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