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Retro Friday Review: I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak

Retro Friday is a weekly meme hosted here at Angieville and focuses on reviewing books from the past. This can be an old favorite, an under-the-radar book you think deserves more attention, something woefully out of print, etc. Everyone is welcome to join in at any time! I include roundups from participating bloggers in my post every week.

A little over three years ago I decided to try my first Markus Zusak book. I had heard everyone and their grandmother go on about what an amazing accomplishment his later novel The Book Thief was, so naturally I walked right past that one in the bookstore and grabbed a copy of I am the Messenger. Will I never stop being so obstinate when it comes to hype? But in this case, though, I have to say I'm sort of glad I read this book first. It's just so freaking unique. And hilarious. And moving. And that is not to say that The Book Thiefisn't all those things and more. Because it is. And let it be known that I think it is a perfect piece of literature and I love it with every fiber of my bookish being. But today I want to talk about his earlier book. The one I read first. The one that introduced me to the wonder that is Markus Zusak's gift with the written word. And the one I think fewer people have read, which is a problem that must be rectified at once. Today, if possible! Originally published back in 2003 in Australia as The Messenger (a title I like almost as well), this remarkable novel has been the lucky recipient of several awesome covers as well as the Children's Book Council Book of the Year award (for older readers) in Australia and the Printz Honor here in the states. And I promise you two things. You have never read anything like it. And you do not want to miss it.

Ed Kennedy is the most underachieving 19-year-old cab driver you'll ever meet. He lives in a dump of an apartment with his atrociously lovable dog the Doorman, who is--among other things--a diehard coffee slurper. And Ed spends his days driving cabs and mooning over his friend Audrey, and his nights playing poker poorly with his best mates Marv, Ritchie, and Audrey. Then one day Ed does something unusual. He stops a bank robbery in progress and barely escapes with his life. A short while later, cards are delivered to him. Playing cards. All aces. One by one, they appear in his path. One by one, they change his life. For with each ace comes a message that needs to be delivered and Ed--poor, average, no expectations Ed--is the messenger. The messages drag him around the city, searching for their chosen recipients. Ed stumbles along in his role and receives a heady and shocking glimpse into the lives of the people living around him every day. Sometimes he's bringing comfort. Sometimes a warning. And sometimes he is the punisher. Finding it difficult to cope with the weight of his sudden, unwelcome responsibility, Ed turns to his longtime friends for support. But even they, after awhile, are unable to truly understand what he's going through. And Ed becomes inevitably obsessed with finding out who is sending the aces, who is behind the strange and prescient messages, and--most of all--why they've chosen him to be their messenger.

I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning finishing this book the first time. On the cold tiles of the bathroom floor I sat, knees drawn up to my chest, absolutely frozen with my sympathy for the characters and my need to know how it would all turn out. Zusak blew me away. It's just that the words were always right. A good story, great characters, it's not enough. The individual words have to be right. And not even just good words. The best ones for the job. Zusak has this talent in spades (no pun intended). A good early passage on a typical poker night with the gang:
"I'm telling you," Marv points his finger at Ritchie. "I did knock. I don't care what you say."

"Did he knock?" Ritchie asks me.

"I can't remember."


She thinks a moment and shakes her head. Marv throws his hands in the air. He has to pick up four cards now. In Annoyance, that's the way it works. You get down to two cards and you knock. If you forget to knock before you put down that second-to-last card, you pick up four. Marv forgets to knock quite frequently.

He scowls as he picks up the cards, but secretly he'll always try to get away with it. It's part of the game.

We're at Audrey's place, on her balcony. It's dark but the floodlights are on, and people look up as they walk past the lot of town houses. It's a street around the corner from mine. A bit of a dive, but nice enough.

In the first hour of play, I look at Audrey and know that I'm in nervous love with her. Nervous because I don't know what to do sometimes. I don't know what to say. What can I tell her when I feel the hunger rise in me? How would she react? I think she's frustrated with me because I could have gone to university and now I just drive a cab. I've read Ulysses, for God's sake, and half the works of Shakespeare. But I'm still hopeless, useless, practically pointless. I can see she could never really see herself with me. Yet she's still done it with others who are pretty much the same. Sometimes I can't bring myself to think about it. Thinking about what they've done and how it feels and how she likes me too much to consider me.

Even though I know.

It isn't just sex I'd want from her.

I'd want to feel myself mold with her, just for a moment, if that's all I'm allowed.

She smiles at me when she wins a round, and I smile back.

Want me, I beg, but nothing comes.
And (because I can't help myself) a little bit later on, one of my favorite scenes:
"It's just . . . I wish it was easier, for me, you know?" I make a special point not to look at her. "I wish it was someone else who was chosen for this. Someone competent. If only I didn't stop that robbery. I wish I didn't have to go through with it all." It comes gushing out, with words like spilled milk. "And I wish it was me with you and not that other guy. I wish it was my own skin touching with yours . . ."

And there you have it.

Stupidity in its purest form.

"Oh, Ed." Audrey looks away. "Oh, Ed."

Our feet dangle.

I watch them, and I watch the jeans on Audrey's legs.

We only sit there now.

Audrey and me.

And discomfort.

Squeezed in, between us.

She soon says, "You're my best friend, Ed."

"I know."

You can kill a man with those words.

No gun.

No bullets.

Just words and a girl.
As you can tell, I was really struck with Ed and Audrey's complicated and often painful, but always true, relationship. I love Ed. I love Audrey and Marv and Ritchie. And I freaking love the way the language wrapped itself around me and made me laugh and cry and gasp. This book isn't just a story. It's a comprehensive experience. I felt better the next morning. Like the world was brighter, more vivid. I inhaled this book, but it swallowed me. I imagine Mr. Zusak would be pleased with that result.

Retro Friday Roundup
Book Harbinger reviews The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope
Chachic's Book Nook reviews A Stranger to Command by Sherwood Smith

Black and Blue Ink Review
bookshelves of doom review
Maw Books Blog Review
Novel Insights Review
Persnickety Snark Review
Savidge Reads Review


  1. How funny! I actually was thinking of reviewing this same book for a RF post this week but never got around to it. Good thing you were more prepared than me ;) Cause it is amazing. I love Ed - his voice is so sharp and I love all the illusions/metaphors. Such a well written story and much deserving of love.

    And why, pray tell, were you reading it on the bathroom floor?!?

  2. I attended an event where Markus read an excerpt from this book and it was amazing. Not even sure why I haven't read it yet.

  3. Angie, I am forever adding books to my wishlist and TBR pile because of you. LOL

  4. I love this book! I read it after I fell in love with The Book Thief, and then I just plain fell in love with the author. Great post!

  5. THE BOOK THIEF went on my "All Time Favorites" list as soon as I finished it, and wanting to read more by Zusak, I then went on to I AM THE MESSENGER. It's a completely different book, but also fabulous in its own way.

    Zusak is immensely talented, and I'm always happy to see his books get some love. :)

  6. I just finished reading this book when I saw your review.
    I am in love with Markus Zusak's writing. I can't even describe how amazing it is because every time I try I can't think of the right words to say, and so end up sounding incomprehensible.

  7. I just finished reading this book when I saw your review.
    I am in love with Markus Zusak's writing. I can't even describe how amazing it is because every time I try I can't think of the right words to say, and so end up sounding incomprehensible.

  8. I own a copy of The Book Thief, which I bought back in 2007 and I still haven't read it! Tsk tsk, huge TBR pile. I really should bump it up my list. I'm sure I'd want to read this book after reading that one.

    Why were you reading on the bathroom floor?

  9. This is one of those books that the more I think about, the more I like. I was sort of overwhelmed by it when I first read it. I need to read it again. Also, I read it just as I was beginning blogging and I KNOW I didn't do it justice with my review there! I need a repeat on all fronts!

  10. I absolutely loved this book! I still haven't got around to reading the Book Thief but i like Markus Zuzak so much

  11. Oh, I have to reread this. It's been ages and ages; I think I've reread The Book Thief twice since the last time I read I Am the Messenger. Not really fair.

  12. Michelle, that would have been awesome if we both wrote on the same book on a single Retro Friday! You're right about Ed's voice being sharp. So self-effacing and longing. I love it. And I suppose I should have mentioned that the bathroom floor is where I go when it's too late at night for me to justify keeping the light on while Aaron's sleeping, but the book I'm reading is so tense I can't stop until I see it through to the end. Don't ask me why. It's just that sort of place.

    Lenore, *gasp* you're so lucky. And you should really read it. ;)

    Katy, LOL. Guilty as charged.

    Lurker, that's just what happens with Zusak in my experience. No matter which order you read them in, it's always a glorious experience.

    Karen, I am amazed how different they are. It's why I am quivering with anticipation over BRIDGE OF CLAY. I simply cannot wait to find out what else he's got up his sleeve after these two fantastic novels.

    Emily, what wonderful timing! And I understand your feelings. He's pretty remarkable.

    Chachic, bump it UP. Seriously. And see my answer to Michelle's first comment for the bathroom floor issue. ;)

    Azteclady, hehehe.

    Suey, ooh, I hadn't seen your review! Will go check it out. And I can totally see how it can be overwhelming. You just get dropped right into the whole crazy thing.

    Emily, you should definitely bump it up if you loved this one. THE BOOK THIEF will blow you away.

    Jenny, lol. I'm glad other people feel that way as well about treating their books good. I've only read each once so I was delighted to come back to this one and have it be still so golden.

  13. I read 'I am the Messenger' this month and loved it! (I actually posted my review today). I read The Book Thief first... I'd never heard of it before, but came across it in a book shop and just had to have it. I loved that too!

  14. Glad to hear that other people do odd stuff too. Truth be told, I've found myself in similar situations before. Although I usually just go into the living room ;) I kept having visions of Will locking you into the bathroom or something...

  15. I loved The Book Thief and bought this book straight after reading it, but still haven't read it!

    I would be interested in hearing him speak live! He is supposed to be quite easy on the eyes.

  16. Really, though, I Am The Messenger IS an experience, more than just a book. The characters are incredibly vivid, the story unique, and the writing arrestingly beautiful.

    Great review! :)


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