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My Favorite Thieves

Earlier today I ran across a list of favorite fictional thieves put together by Julie over at A Small Accomplishment. Love the name of her blog, by the way! Well, you can imagine how my mind immediately took off, conjuring up the familiar, battered faces of my own favorite ne'er-do-wells. So just for fun, here they are (in alphabetical order), the top five, with all their expansive charm, dubious glory, and inescapable claims on my heart:

The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner
George Cooper 
The Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce
Liesel Meminger 
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
The Westmark trilogy by Lloyd Alexander
Robin Hood 
The Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley and Lady of the Forest by Jennifer Roberson

Who are your favorite thieves? I'd love to add a few more rascals to the list...


  1. I love Gen! Awesome character.

    And if movie characters count, I have to include Flynn Rider from Tangled.

    I like a thief with a bit of heart.

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Silk - and all his other names - from the Belgariad and Mallorean by David Eddings.

  3. Locke Lamora and Jean Tanner from The Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch

  4. Yay for Gen and George Cooper! I really should read the other books in your list so I can get to know those characters.

    Elizabeth E. Wein's Telemakos is not really a thief but he reminds me of Gen and he's great at sneaking around so I wanted to mention him.

  5. I really liked Digger from Elizabeth Bunce's newer novel StarStruck. She wrote a pretty excellent fantasy.

  6. The Gray Mouser, from Leiber's Lankhmar tales, the original trickster thief.

  7. Tiffany M.11:15 PM

    I know I am missing a few, and now I am anxious to read a couple of these, but here is a few thieves I enjoyed reading about that weren't on your list:

    Karvonen from Patricia C. Wrede's The Raven Ring

    different than the rest, but I really enjoyed this (and a girl to represent!)--Kat from Ally Carter's Heist Society

    My friend used to mention Skif from Mercedes Lackey's Arrows of the Queen series. It's in my TBR pile.

    **I know I am missing a couple, but those are the ones that immediately come to mind.

  8. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Another vote for Locke Lamora, I think. Although, I would admit to Calo and Galdo but look what he did (sniff). Also a deep abiding nostalgia for Silk from David Eddings' work, even though it is David Eddings.

  9. Tasselhoff in Dragonlance is definitely my favorite thief of all time. It's not his fault he's a Kender :)

  10. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Oh Gen, how you stole our hearts :)

  11. Will "The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood" (1883), written and illustrated by Pyle count?

  12. WOOT for Eugenides in The King of Attolia!

    I second the mention of Digger in StarCrossed... I'm looking forward to continuing her story in Liar's Moon.

    And ROBIN HOOD, of course! Particularly Robin McKinley's The Outlaws of Sherwood... I love that somewhat sulky version of our outlawed hero. :)


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